Being a realtor is not about buying and selling houses.
It’s about selling dreams and lifestyles; in fact, buying a home is the ultimate purchase because people define themselves and others by the home they live in.
In addition, buying or selling a home is one of the most significant actions a person makes in life, and it’s also one of the most stressful.
Buying or selling a home is a big deal, and highly emotional to boot.
In any sales experience but even more so with real estate, people need to feel a connection with the realtor, and they want a reason to trust you more than your competitors.
Which brings us to our first point, and one which has to be addressed before you can compile an effective realtor bio: what do people look for in a realtor?
Table of Contents
- 1 What do people look for in a realtor?
- 2 Buyer’s shoes: the home search process
- 3 Seller’s shoes: the home selling process
- 4 What is a realtor bio?
- 5 Why is a realtor bio important?
- 6 What should a realtor bio include?
- 7 What if you’re a new realtor?
- 8 Inspiring real estate bio examples and why they work
- 9 Realtor bio 4-part formula
- 10 Bonus tips
- 11 Bottom line
What do people look for in a realtor?
Buyers and sellers want different things, and the type of property will also demand what they look for. For the sake of simplicity, in this guide, we’ll focus on home buyers and sellers.
What home sellers want in a realtor
It is easy to assume you know what people want in a realtor, but really, how do you?
A survey conducted by the National Association of Realtors showed that there were a few elements most wanted by sellers and buyers and we’ll explore them below. Take note that the survey was aimed at research-savvy home sellers; those that use the internet to find information, so these people are aware of online marketing techniques.
Ready? Let’s go.
#1: Sellers want to trust that you’ll find a buyer
It makes sense that most home sellers said that they want to know that the agent will find a buyer. What does this mean as far as compiling a realtor bio? Marketing your effectiveness rate in selling other people’s home is key.
#2: Ability to sell within a definite time frame
This requirement was only 1% less a requirement than the previous one; home sellers don’t want the process to drag on and on without a time frame. The importance of this also points to marketing; the more aggressive the property is marketed, the faster it will sell. In your bio, you may wish to mention how fast you sell properties (if it’s true of course).
#3: Provide a true price, not a puffed up one
17% of home sellers say that because they want the property to sell, they don’t want agents to give a puffed up price, but rather a competitive one. Translated? Be honest and transparent about what they can expect. In your bio, don’t just say you are honest, but show them.
#4: Suggest improvements to sell for more
As a realtor, you are the expert: suggest ways that sellers can increase the price; for example, what can they do to make the property look better? Show your authority in humility; it builds credibility and trust in your experience. Get this across in your bio.
#5: Help with legalities and paperwork
It’s certainly surprising that only 7% of sellers made this requirement a priority. It’s still important, but understanding what’s most essential to sellers, build your bio primarily around marketing and correct pricing.
#6: Negotiate with buyers
Negotiating with buyers, while still a requirement, is number sixth on the list, but not as important as marketing and proper pricing.
What buyers want in a realtor
Just as with sellers, so buyers are not all the same; it all depends on the type of property to be sold. In addition, those who are buying a home for the first time will need more help, while an investor will demand more data.
And so we’ll generalize on the home buyer.
Actual home buyers (and even sellers) say they value:
- Honesty and integrity. Be straight with prospects. Tell them what they can expect. Don’t just say integrity is important to you (everyone trying to sell something says they are honest so the word has lost its power), instead, show buyers in your bio why you can be trusted.
- Experience in the selling and buying process. Displaying your experience builds credibility and trust, and these two elements are everything to both sellers and buyers.
- Responsiveness: buyers want to know that they can count on you to keep in touch, and that you respond to their needs.
- Buyers want to know that you know your stuff and that you know what’s up in the industry.
- Communication skills are always important and buyers value realtors who are good at communicating and keeping them updated.
Now that you understand what’s important to home sellers and buyers, the next thing to focus on is putting yourself in the buyer’s and seller’s shoes.
Buyer’s shoes: the home search process
The findings come from a research report by Nar Realtor:
- The majority of buyers first go online to look for properties for sale, while only 17% first get in touch with a realtor.
- 88% of buyers find online websites to be the most helpful way to find information.
- On average, buyers search for 10 weeks, and in this time, look at 10 homes.
- Those whose first step is finding a realtor, usually find a home faster than those who go online first, and they also visit far less homes before making an offer to buy.
Seller’s shoes: the home selling process
Realtors need to understand what’s known in marketing as the “sales funnel”, or as OnCarrot calls it, a “sales vortex” which shows where prospective sellers are in the funnel, or vortex.
Image Credit: OnCarrot
Interestingly, in a digital age where content creation can significantly impact marketing, realtors have begun to adopt strategies that were once exclusive to fields like blogging or academia. One such strategy is collaborating with professional paper writers, who can craft compelling content for blogs, guides, and even property descriptions. This content not only enhances the realtor’s website but also improves SEO rankings, making it easier for home buyers and sellers to find them online. This approach aligns with the needs of research-savvy sellers who rely on the internet to find a realtor with a strong online presence and marketing acumen. By understanding the power of quality content, a realtor can effectively communicate their expertise, reliability, and success in the real estate market.
When prospective sellers are ready to enlist the help of a realtor, they are in the “introduction” phase of the vortex, and it is at that time they become aware of you, and it is at that time they are likely to see your realtor bio.
It is at this stage that they start searching for answers; they are not quite ready to put their home on the market, but they’re doing their homework.
The realtor bio is right at the top of the funnel, but the goal of your biography is to push the prospective seller down through the funnel:
When you understand where they’re at, and what they are looking for in that phase, you will be better prepared to write a realtor bio that stands out from the crowd and gives sellers what they are looking for and as such, they are more likely to give you their home to sell.
Learn more about the real estate marketing funnel and client journey.
What is a realtor bio?
A realtor bio is how an estate agent showcases their personal brand.
It’s somewhat of a one-page curriculum vitae or a portfolio, and the purpose is the same: for buyers and sellers to learn about why they should pick you as the realtor who sells their home.
Here’s an example from Brendan Bartic, who does an excellent job at showcasing his ability as a realtor:
Example of a realtor bio
A realtor bio displays your skills and more importantly, attempts to make a connection with a prospective seller or buyer. It is not the place where you aim to make a sale; instead, it should serve as a way to build trust and credibility and make people excited to contact you in order to help them either sell or buy a home.
The realtor bio is one of the first phases in the buying or selling cycle that prospects see, so it warms them up to make contact with you.
Bios can be placed on LinkedIn, company websites, as an email signature, a real estate agent app and for other different purposes.
Here is an example of a real estate agent’s LinkedIn profile. It’s great that he’s used a unique and funny header, and utilised (somewhat) the area that should include his bio, but he could do a lot better:
This realtor, however, does not use the LinkedIn profile opportunity to showcase his talents, nor has he used a unique header:
Both of these are LinkedIn profiles and both could be optimized for enhanced results.
It is recommended that agents compile at least three bios:
- One written in the first person for sites like LinkedIn.
- One written in the third person for a company website.
- A mini-bio about the length of a paragraph, to be used as an email signature, or other places where you can’t use your full profile.
Why is a realtor bio important?
Why is a realtor bio so important? Well, let’s answer that with a question: why do people choose to buy from one company over another? Why do people buy one brand of clothing but not the other?
Since we know that 50% of buyers find the homes they purchase online, sellers also take to the internet right at the start of their sales process, with 88% using an estate agent to help them sell.
When sellers first start their journey, they will be looking at realtor bios to see who best they feel will find them a buyer, at the right price, and within a specific time frame.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why the realtor bio is so important: traditionally, people would consult the newspaper, or even call and meet potential agents, but now, because they’re going online, the realtor bio acts as the agent’s representative, and if it doesn’t do a good job of selling the agent, it will not achieve the desired result, and is a missed opportunity.
What should a realtor bio include?
There are a few key elements that should be included in your realtor bio:
- Realtor experience
- Connection to the location you’re specializing in
- Sales statistics
- Any awards you’ve received
- Personal information so they can contact you plus social media connects
- The unique value you provide (otherwise known as the UVP – Unique Value Proposition)
What is a UVP (Unique Value Proposition)?
Since so many realtors find it hard to come up with a UVP, let’s get into it…
A UVP is not:
“I go the extra mile”
“I put my clients first”
“I’m a people person”
“I have a passion for Real Estate”
Because who doesn’t say that?
And you know what? Your potential buyers and sellers have developed a scotoma around those useless phrases, so they mean nothing.
With all the fluff and pomp out there, people nowadays need substance. Enter the UVP.
Kevin Ward from YesMasters explains how realtors can differentiate themselves:
Ask yourself two questions:
- How did the best become the best?
- Now, how can I out-perform the best?
Then take one of two approaches:
- Focus on the results that you deliver, or
- How can I connect with the heart? How do I add value to people?
Get more detail in the video:

Most agents don’t have a UVP, instead, the first thing you see when you land on their bio on websites, is, “Licensed Real Estate Professional”. While this is important to include, it should not be reserved for one of the most prominent spots on the page:
What if you’re a new realtor?
It’s easy to write a popping bio when you’re an old hand, but what about if you’ve just started?
Well, if you have no relevant results you can speak of within real estate, then you should focus on tapping into a heart connection; in other words, what do you do that is meaningful to a buyer or seller? This could be that you make the process easy for them by taking control of all the paperwork so that they don’t need to stress. Or perhaps you love matching people’s personalities with a house personality.
Another powerful suggestion for new agents is to focus on skills they had in a previous career and how those skills help them serve their real estate audience today. You don’t have to actually tell prospects you’re a newbie, but rather explain how you are an experienced professional who brings a lot of skills to the table.
Above all, be genuine because people pick up if you’re not.
Inspiring real estate bio examples and why they work
Let’s examine a few examples of exceptional realtor bios, and why they work. As you go through these examples, you’ll get a good idea of what works well; make sure you jot down any hot ideas that stem from them:
#1: Realtor: Leslie Woods
Most powerful phrase
“Leslie’s contacts and lifelong area residency leverage her energy and enthusiasm, enhancing her client dedication and insuring satisfied repeat clients and referrals.”
Why the bio works
It showcases the agent’s connection to the community she serves. Focusing on being raised in the area, as well as working and volunteering in the community, tells prospects she knows the area, the people, the customs, what’s potting and this builds credibility. The bio supports her UVP, which is, “your personal real estate agent”.
#2: Realtor: Danielle Lazier
Most powerful phrase
“My business has grown successfully and consistently thanks to the repeat business of happy clients and their introductions to friends, family, and neighbors.”
Why the bio works
This realtor bio does a great job of building credibility and trust, by using these phrases:
“Since 2002, I have been a leading San Francisco Real Estate Agent.” – She doesn’t just say she’s a leading agent, but adding the “since” date lends credibility. She goes on to back that up by saying she’s had hundreds of past transactions.
“…gives me access to the City’s most motivated home buyers.” – Telling sellers she can easily access motivated buyers is like dangling a carrot in front of them.
“…team of experts can consistently provide.” – This gives the impression that everything will be taken care of, and taken care of well. It provides a sense of relief to the prospect.
“I attribute my success not only to my passion for real estate but also to my intuition regarding the psychology of buying and selling.” – The fact that she understands the psychology of buying and selling screams, “HERE’S A PRO!”
“My business has grown successfully and consistently thanks to the repeat business of happy clients and their introductions to friends, family and neighbors.” – That she gets repeat business from happy clients and that they introduce her to their loved ones tells you that her clients are indeed happy, and therefore so will you be if she sells your home.
#3: Realtor: Cyndie Gawain
Most powerful phrase
“Her business is based on more than 80 percent of referrals from satisfied clients.”
Why the bio works
“…catch their dreams of buying and selling a wonderful home.” – Adding this sets off the imagination and association that Cyndie is the agent who will get you your dream home.
“A resident of Dallas for more than 30 years” – Saying she’s been a resident in the area for that many years makes prospects in that location believe she knows what’s up in the area and can get them what they want.
“Her business is based on more than 80 percent of referrals from satisfied clients.” – This phrase is the clincher because if so many clients are referring her, they must have enjoyed the experience and been satisfied with the process.
“providing the most excellent service to buyers and sellers in order to earn their trust, referrals, and repeat business.” – Cyndie doesn’t just claim to provide the most excellent service, but she goes on with “in order to”. Just adding that provides somewhat of a guarantee that she understands service and why it’s important to her clients.
#4: Realtor: Christine Ko
Most powerful phrase
“Christine has built a reputation for her refreshingly friendly customer care and proven ability to guide buyers to obtain the best value for their dream home and to assist sellers to a smooth, stress-free sale of their home.”
Why the bio works
“Christine Ko is an accomplished Bay Area agent who brings a strategic yet personable approach to the home buying and home selling process. ” – With the words, “strategy yet personable”, immediately, the prospect gets a sense that this realtor is an expert but will make the process enjoyable.
“Drawing from years of experience as a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, Christine has built a reputation for her refreshingly friendly customer care and proven ability to guide buyers to obtain the best value for their dream home and to assist sellers to a smooth, stress-free sale of their home.” – This shows that she is experienced and understands how to make the process a smooth, happy one.
“…specializes in home buying and selling, investment properties, luxury homes, and multi-residential properties.” – By specializing, this agent seems more advanced than other agents who just take on any sale. It makes her seem superior, especially if the prospect is interested in buying or selling an investment property, luxury home or multi-res property.
“…help buyers in a highly focused search for their new house and to help sellers get the most value for their home.” – She focuses on both the buyer and seller, not just the one.
“Christine is a member of CAR, NAR, SILVAR, and SFAR and currently serves on the board of the Korean American Professional Society. Along with her service in the community, Christine received a highly prestigious award in 2013 when she was chosen as one of Realtor Magazine’s top 30 under 30. This award is honored to individuals who exemplify success, skills, creativity, and leadership in the real estate industry.” – Awards immediately put her one step ahead of her competitors, because they are proof that she is good at what she does.
To be noted about this particular biography: the webpage where this agent’s bio lives is filled with images that depict her character and helps form a connection with the viewer. In addition, on the right side of the bio are short points that further help people to feel a connection with her.
Realtor bio 4-part formula
Now that you understand the power of a realtor bio it’s time to craft your own real estate agent bio. Here’s a guideline:
- Start with how you came to be in real estate, but make sure you only give information that is relevant and helpful. For instance, you left your role as an Accountant and how being an Accountant equipped you for XYZ in real estate.
- Chat about how you are connected to the area. For example, you were born and raised there, or have lived in the town for the last 28 years, volunteering in such and such a capacity.
- Outline your expertise. While you don’t want to exclude any prospect, including your unique specialty will differentiate you from other agents. For example, you could be specifically good at dealing with first time sellers or buyers, or your clients enjoy the helpful tips you provide to improve their selling price.
- Get personal. You’ve heard the saying, “people do business with people they like”; so end off your bio with something personal, like “I live with my dog and 3 parrots and love to jog in the mornings when the air is still crisp.” This gives prospects a feel for the human in you, creating a connection.
Bonus tips
You are now equipped with all the information you need to make a popping realtor bio, and hopefully, you’ve already created one using our 4-part formula.
What now?
Take a quality headshot
First, get a really good quality photo taken to upload with your bio. Take a look at other professional agents and model your clothes, hair, and posture in a similar fashion because your photo speaks volumes.
Spread it around
Create bios for as many online channels as possible, and where applicable.
Make one for LinkedIn, your website or company’s website, a short one for your Facebook page, another short one to add one to your real estate agent app, and another short one for your email footer (use software like Wisestamp to easily create gorgeous email signatures). Use these techniques to craft a professional email address.
Bottom line
As real estate transitions toward digitalization, your professional biography becomes more essential as a marketing tool. While advertising is good for attracting prospects, the place to make a personal connection with people is with your biography.
Last Updated on March 28, 2024 by Ian Naylor
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