So you’ve finally finished your App and are ready to let it loose into the App Stores, and with 2,000,000+ apps on the Apple App Store and 2,200,000+ on Google Play – getting your App amongst that list can’t be that hard, right?
Not always.
Apple and Google’s App Stores have guidelines that need to be met. If you don’t tick the right boxes, you could end up wasting valuable time and money dealing with unnecessary setbacks and delays.
To avoid said setbacks and delays, and to ensure you get your App into the pockets of your valuable customers, check out this essential checklist for getting your App live on the App Stores, hassle free.
Apple App Store or Google Play?
Ideally, you want to get your App into both App Stores! That way you’ll have access to a wider range of potential customers who can download your App regardless of what side of the iPhone or Android fence they sit on. However, if you find yourself working with limited time and resources, or simply if your App is much better suited (or only acceptable) for one Store, here are a few deciding factors about each.
iPhone users are much more likely to splash the cash. Unsurprising considering the average price of their phone is close to a whopping £700 compared to a humble average of £215 for an Android, take a look for yourself. Google Play has more apps available and more apps downloaded, yet the App Store’s profit nearly doubles that of Google Play!
Why could this be?
Simply put, Apple users have a more disposable income and Apple acknowledges this by making sure the design, features and functionality are up to scratch. In their words, they don’t have time or space for ‘amateur hour’ amongst the apps of highly skilled and experienced developers. I can’t help but picture a room full of monocles and top hats pompously chortling at poorly designed apps, but that’s just me. Whereas Google are a lot more relaxed and as long as you meet their terms and conditions, they’re likely to accept your app just the way it is.
Final Checklist Before Submitting
Thoroughly read the guidelines.
We’ve all been there. You’ve just finished a test paper and know you should give it a look over. Washed your car and know you should leather it and do the wheels. You’ve done all the hard work and it makes that last 5% feel like a huge effort. Don’t be that person, (who I definitely based off a friend…) no matter how eager you are to finally complete the process don’t let it get the better of you! Ten or twenty minutes now could save you hours or even days in the future. Here are Apple and Google’s store guidelines for you.
Test… test…. and test again.
One sure way to find your app rejected is if a bug or glitch is found by a tester, and these guys are like the Men in Black of the app world – any bugs, glitches or alien parasites – they’ll find it. So suit up and find them before they do. If you use our App Builder, we’ll do the work for you.
Keep it simple
To get your app on the store you don’t want to overdo it. Setting out the framework and being sure and clear in your purpose is a more failsafe option for it to be accepted. Then you can add updates later (which make it through the process in no time) to take your app to the next level.
Make your description accurate
The description of your app is no place for a sales pitch. You’ll want to provide the truest depiction of your app that you can muster. Anything that is considered misleading, ambiguous or a straight up lie will be discarded without remorse. They don’t want their customers to feel cheated or let down when they download an app, and neither should you. Be honest and let your hard work speak for itself.
Use Keywords carefully and accurately. Be sure not to use too many and that they all relate specifically to your app. They should be used to help understand your app in a brief fashion.
App screenshots
Use this area wisely. You want to use this page to advertise your app in the most effective way possible. Do this by being sure the purpose of your app is clear and that its best and most important features are shown in all their glory. For a detailed walkthrough, check out our guide here.
Complete your product
You’ll want to make sure all the information surrounding your app is complete. Any broken links, images or blank spaces will be considered incomplete and be rejected by the tester, no matter how good your app is. So take the time to double-check you’re not missing anything.
Use the special features
Apple Pen, Virtual Reality, Widgets, you name it – advancing technology and initiative ideas are a huge selling point for companies to keep them ahead of the game. So use them! They love it when apps use the flash features available with their devices.
Know your enemy
Before you submit your app, have a nose around the stores and see what competitors are doing and ask, ‘Why are they doing it that particular way? What does it achieve?’ and crucially ‘How can I do it better?’ A tester will always consider the worth of your app based on originality. To avoid this (and to maximise your app’s potential) be aware of your competition and do all you can to outshine them.
Age ratings
Apple App Store:
The Apple App Store is for the most part fine with accepting apps containing mature content as long as it meets their guidelines, which all together aren’t massively stringent. Look for 1.1 on their developer’s guide. That being said, there is ‘a line’; if a joke or idea is taken too far they’ll not let it pass through. They take an ‘I know it when I see it’ approach. In other words, it’s down to the testers’ opinion, but I can imagine they don’t take much with a pinch of salt. That being said if you want to give it a go, you won’t be punished for trying.
Google Play:
Google, on the other hand, is much less ok with mature content (violence, gambling, nudity) finding its way onto their store. Although there are possible ways to work a parental control onto the Android device, this isn’t enough for them to take the risk in exposing this content to children and as children know their way around technology better than their parents nowadays, who can blame them. So if you have an app that falls under any of these categories, the Apple App Store is the only option. Once again if you want to try your luck, the worst they can do is say no, but I wouldn’t get your hopes up.
Now you’re on your way
No matter the stage of the process your app is, be sure to check out our App Promotion page for great ways to increase your app efficiency. It’s never too soon to be getting the word out there in as many ways as possible.

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