Why You Need To Personalise Your Push Notifications

Why You Need To Personalise Your Push Notifications

Push notifications have been known to increase App engagement by 88%1 – thus the power of push is unarguable, but when Apps deliver personalised push notifications, the results can even more astounding!

Push notifications that are personalised allow you to talk to your App users on a more personal level, allowing you to develop a bond by sending notifications that are relevant and interesting to them and increase App engagement.

Some research to back this up…

Mobile marketing platform, Leanplum, discovered that certain kinds of personalisation can increase App open rates by 800%2!! Not surprisingly, push notifications that include personalised content can deliver a 4x lift on open rates. This boosts the average open rate of 1.5% for generic notifications to a much more acknowledgeable 5.9%. If that doesn’t prove a point, then I don’t know what will.

How to send personalised push notifications

On our App Builder, you can send personalised Push Notifications to groups of similar users by using Tags. Use the CRM to create and assign Tags to groups of users based on similarities, interests or app usage behaviours.

Read this post on how to effectively use your CRM

Choose any notification type and follow the wizard until you come to the “Choose Your Notification Audience” section. Here you’ll want to choose “Filter Your Audience”. This option will allow you to choose exactly who you want to send your message to.

You should already know who you’re going to target your notification to, so drag and drop the Tags you want to target into either box to refine your audience. Follow the wizard again until you come to the “Send Notification” section. Here you will write your message.

Here is a more detailed guide on creating and sending push notifications

As you have chosen your target audience, you now need to compose a message that is going to appeal to them and make them open your App. If you’re super organised, you’ll have already planned what your message is going to say. You’ll have got to know your users a little better, looked into their app actions and done some digging. This information will help you better personalise your message to them, giving it the best chances at being opened and making your users happy.

How you can get to know your App users

If you’re struggling to come up with personalised content for your notifications, you might need to get to know your App users better. The CRM allows you to see user’s individual App actions such as form submissions, takeaway app orders and messages sent using the message centre. If that isn’t enough, there are a few ways of getting more information.

Add forms into your App that ask users for more information on themselves. Add different fields and ask them questions on their interests, hobbies, likes and dislikes, whatever you want to know…

However, sometimes it can be difficult to get people to actually fill out a form, so you might want to let them know that you will incentivise them for doing so, whether that be giving them a discount, special offer or even a freebie. Customers love to be rewarded, and are more likely to do something if they are being rewarded for doing it.

  1. http://info.localytics.com/blog/push-messaging-drives-88-more-app-launches-for-users-who-opt-in
  2. https://www.leanplum.com/blog/personalize-or-bust/

Sending push notifications are a good way of reminding users of your App, but often times they might just ignore it completely, thus ignoring your App. Sending personalised push notifications are a great way of getting users to actually open and use your App! Start getting to know your App users and start personalising your notifications to optimum performance.

Push notifications are only available in your App when subscribed to the Premium or Pro package. The Customer Relationship Management tool (CRM) is only available with the Pro package.

Visit our website for more information!

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