5 Reasons To Go For A Managed Network Solution

When it comes to privacy and security, your network is critical. From performance monitoring to bandwidth analysis, these tests can help you monitor and manage your network for threats. But what if you don’t have the time, money, or skills to keep up with these tests?

The moment you stop monitoring your network is the second your business could be affected by a security breach. If you store valuable data in your network, hackers can gain access to it and leak personal information. That event could destroy your company’s reputation and bottom line.

To ensure you can patch up vulnerabilities and keep up with software updates, consider utilizing a managed network solution provider.

Here are 5 reasons why you need to hire this service.

Why You Need a Managed Network Solution

Whether you’re looking to launch your app business or you want to improve your already implemented network security, a managed network provider can help you with the following.

1. Managed Network Solutions are Cost-Effective

Managed network providers may seem expensive on the off-set, but if you don’t have an IT department or any cybersecurity equipment, they’re actually a cheaper option. Not only that, but their fixed pricing structure makes it easier for you to budget for other cybersecurity products.

For example, this network management app from SolarWinds comes with several free tools and separates its tiers based on your industry needs, making the app a more cost-effective option.

2. Managed Network Solutions Offer Security

Owning a business comes with many inherent risks, but you’ll have a hard time maintaining compliance without a managed network. A provider can install a firewall, conduct security audits, and uphold strict PCI standards, so your customers’ data becomes nearly unhackable.

A managed network provider can also keep up with new government regulations, fluctuating markets, technology changes/advancements, and prepare you for changing economic climates. With all of these safeguards in place, your business can significantly reduce operational risks.

3. Managed Network Solutions Are Knowledgeable

Without an IT department, you either have to reduce your operational risks yourself or avoid them entirely, which leaves you open to potential hacks. However, a managed IT network provider is knowledgeable and experienced enough to protect and scale your small business.

Since you’re not in charge of hiring or onboarding staff, you won’t have to worry about finding or training IT experts or firing staff that don’t work out. This can be helpful if you’re not a part of the IT field yourself or you aren’t sure what makes a good managed network or IT employee.

4. Managed Network Solutions Regularly Monitor

The best defense against any and all network problems is a solid offense. Since managed network providers regularly monitor your network, you’re able to stay ahead of potential issues. Plus, they’ll put steps in place that reduce your downtime or mitigate any further damage.

For example, they’ll put all of your data on the cloud and physical backups that you can use if all of your customer’s information is lost through hacks or weather damage. Since your physical backup is stored off-site, it’s kept safe from internal problems, like theft, fires, or mishandling.

5. Managed Network Solutions Have Top Technology

It’s always essential to stay ahead in a tech-dominated world, but without cash flow, that won’t be easy. But your managed network provider will either equip you with the industry’s top tech or teach you how to use it. They may even give you access to SaaS software and other tools.

Thanks to your provider and new tech, you’re able to optimize your business operations. From monthly reporting to user admin, every task becomes simpler to perform and maintain.

* Feature Image Source: Unsplash

Last Updated on June 25, 2022 by Ian Naylor

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