5 Ways to Get Your Business More Referrals

5 Ways to Get Your Business More Referrals

Communication, professionalism, and leaving a lasting impression. Those may be the key components of a happy business. All of which funnel into how your customer perceive you.

What you may not realize is that all of these actions on your part can actually increase your word of mouth marketing. Meaning, happy customers will refer you, just because your awesome.

But, despite being completely awesome… you may need a little more to get referrals. Here are a few extra ways you can increase your chances of getting a referral.

1. Give excellent customer service

A huge part of being a professional is being nice. This is true regardless of who you are helping. Be it your top customer, a new customer, or even an irate customer. Being nice isn’t the only way to get referrals, however.

Give Excellent Customer Service

When it comes to customer service, you need to be consistent. Meaning, give everyone the same great experience. For both partners and customers. By doing this, you will also build up your customer/partner relationships… which means those people will feel more comfortable referring you in the end.

An Arizona telephone number can help you build trust with potential customers and increase your customer base. Local numbers are easy to remember, and having a consistent local presence can help you build strong relationships with both customers and partners.

At the very least, your efforts in providing good customer service with help you avoid bad customer reviews.

2. Take your business on the go

Almost everyone has a smartphone or mobile device. People like to easily access information as well as quickly share it. By bing mobile friendly, you have a higher chance of being shared, meaning referrals! So whether you create an app to do this, or use a software that is mobile compatible, you are making yourself more referralable.

Take Your Business on the Go

An app will allow you to provide value to your customers, as well as connect better with them. You customers will like that they can easily keep up with you, at their convenience.

At the very least, you can supplement your website with an app, to be the best of both worlds. Having both website and app can put you ahead of the rest.

3. Engage with your customers

Creating a referable business is a long-term game. You have to work at creating a relationship with them. Whether you do that face to face, video introduction, or through onboarding emails, it’s important to get to know them and for them to get to know you.

By engaging with customers, you will have plenty of opportunity to figure out their needs and what they want. Thus, providing you all the information you need to continue moving your business forward.

They will notice that you are listening and engaging with them, which will help them establish trust. This trust is the perfect foundation for referrals to occur.

4. Be where your customers are

This one may be obvious, but for a good reason. By being where your customers are, on Twitter, Facebook, or another social site, you are making yourself so much easier to share. A customer can quickly tag you, or share your content with any of their friends on that social platform.

Be Where Your Customer Are

Sure, you may already have a website and an app, but that isn’t always enough. Most of the time, a customer is looking for a quick interaction, or a quick resource from you. You social profiles are great places for all of this.

Plus, you can have more casual interactions with customers. Which can help build your reputation, trust, and provide you numerous ways to get referrals.

5. Create a referral program

By now, you may realize you can get referrals organically. But, the easiest way to get referrals is to ask for them. To make asking easier, you can run a referral program.

There are plenty of ways to run a program. Whether it be tracking it the old school way via spreadsheets, or by using a referral marketing software. The real kicker for running a referral program, is promoting it. The promotion aspect of your rewards program will help you get more referrals.

Another big factor of a referral program is the rewards aspect. Providing an incentive can further influencer happy and even on the fence customers to refer.

Tip: If you are going to run a referral program. Plan out a promotion strategy. The more visible your program, the more likely a customer will be to join and refer.


Manufacturing referrals can be easy. As long as you continue to provide a great product, good service, and stay engaged with your customers. It also helps to show your appreciation. Especially to those who refer, as this small action can continue the referral flow.

Author Bio:

Megan Mosley is the marketing specialist at Referral Rock, where they believe every business has the potential to increase their word of mouth. When she’s not working, she enjoys sipping on coffee and hanging out with her family.

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Last Updated on August 23, 2022 by Ian Naylor

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