There is hardly anyone in the world who wouldn’t like listening to music. When the stress of like takes its toll, people find solace in music. For musicians across the globe, cash flow mainly depends on gigs and concerts. Book them regularly and you are living large. The best mobile app is one that enables anyone, from casual fans to event planners and managers at music venues. Thanks to mobile apps, many music venue owners and other midsize to large event venues now solely depend on it. Once thought to be excessively expensive, a mobile events app that drives attendance to music concerts, races, conventions and other large events are now in reach. The overall app experience satisfies existing fans and helps venues grow a loyal customer base and increase revenues in a variety of ways. The real power of a music app lies in connecting fans, musicians and, eventually venue owners in a smart and meaningful way.
Here are 5 ideas that you can incorporate into your music venue app.
Ticketing apps handle the admission requirements of venue owners, event organisers, and music bands by offering online reservations and attendance statistics. A good ticketing system can be a win for listeners, a win for artists and a win for music venues. Through this feature, you can increase revenue by increasing accessibility of tickets. If you do not process the ticket sale directly, link the fans to the best ticketing sites available for hassle free purchase of online concert tickets, whether through a mobile app or on the desktop. Not just it increases revenues; it also improves fan’s experience and also reduces the production and distribution costs.
Push Notifications
Keep your community up to date by sending important news and alerts related to festivals, gigs, and concerts. Use this feature in announcing new deals and local events. This feature can help in sending push notifications to their fans via apps, Twitter, Facebook and email when their favourite band is going to play at your music venue.
Make Revenue
An app can be an ideal tool for generating revenue through affiliate programs and third party advertising. Through this app feature, you can generate leads by capturing visitor information. In-app sponsorships and ads can also be sold to promote gigs and concerts to increase revenue. Through mobile apps, various music and event venues are creating a buzz while also reducing workforce and operational expenses through guest service automation. Entertainers, sponsors, and vendors may place ads, generating additional profits.
Video Streaming
Offer live video streaming of concerts and music festivals directly on the phone, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. Streaming music online is extremely popular these days. Not everybody will take a CD, but if you can provide a link, people can just open it up on their iPhone, work computers, Facebook or Twitter accounts and listen to the show live.
Reach, Engage and Guide Visitors
To enhance visitors experience and convenience, those attending gigs, concerts, and other large events today turn to their mobile devices. Fans and attendees actually appreciate entertainment venues that foresight to offer wayfinding services also allowing them easily navigate the venue. This feature can also help the spectators find their seats, refreshment stands, restrooms facilities and the other point of interest locations throughout the venue. When people attend crowded events, there are many pain points associated with it; mobile app alert feature can help in informing guests and visitors about a minute to minute updates eventually making their experience of attending large venues unpredictably a pleasant one. This app feature can also help the visitors to find the suitable parking spots at or near the venue, or the quickest and least congested way from the parking lot to the freeway.
As the saying goes, ‘there’s an app for almost everything’, so why not make the most out of it. With the help of these features you can pack the house by promoting your shows and events, favourite book artists nationally or locally, offer complete concert listings for every city including tour dates, gather real-time feedback by creating custom quizzes and polls to engage fans and last but not least, make money.
If you’re in need of more inspiration for your business app, take a look at the 10 Money Making App Trends Your Small Business Should Invest In.
Want to make an app for your band? Check out band apps.

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