Hall of Fame: Wired Cafe Bar

Wired CafeThe owner of the Wired Cafe Bar in Nottingham, Très Roche, enlisted the help of her 14-year-old son Oli to build a mobile app for their business. Learn what Oli had to say about using the App Builder Platform and how the App has helped Wired Cafe Bar stand out from the crowd!

1. Tell us a little bit about yourself.. How would you best describe your technical ability?

Being 14 years old, I am quite technologically minded – growing up with it and all – but the software that AppInstitute provided was extremely easy to use, and very straightforward. They were always on hand to help with any questions I had.

2. What made you decide to build an App for Wired Cafe?

To start with, Mum started building the app. however, after a couple of days she told me about it and I started having lots of ideas for the app. I then took over and it became a sort of ‘summer holiday project’.

3. Did you find the App Builder easy to use? (What was easy and what was difficult?)

The app builder was extremely easy to use and offered tutorials around every corner. AppInstitute have managed to integrate many, many features without making it difficult or unintuitive.

4. Is there anything you particularly liked about the App Builder or AppInstitute in general?

I think my favourite thing about the app builder was the sleek user interface it offered. Without any programming, you can easily build a functioning app without going into any detail, but to build an awesome app you have to go into depth. However, with AppInstitute it barely felt like I was delving any deeper than if I was just building a really simple app.

5. Three words to describe us?

‘Help’s Always There’

6. How was your overall customer experience with AppInstitute? (e.g. How much support did you need along the way, and if so, was it easy to get)?

The customer service offered by AppInstitute was impeccable. I did, inevitably, hit quite a few brick walls. However, all it took was a quick question to the team at AppInstitute and we got over all the problems that had arisen.

7. Tell us a little bit about your App?

The wired cafe bar app can do quite a few things. It offers a mobile stamp card, so you can never lose it again. It offers a way to contact us through our website, phones and email. But my favourite feature is the ordering system. You can order anything that we offer in the store right through the app and even set a time for collection!

8. How is your App helping your business? (What kind of results have you seen so far?)

The app has stirred up lots of conversation with customers coming in and downloading the app. There has been a lot of people downloading the app – more than we expected! Most of the customers that come in and download the app are actually quite surprised by the fact we have an app as they think that apps are mainly for the big chains out there. For this reason, it marks us out from the crowd of coffee shops in Nottingham, which is only a good thing.

9. If you were to tell a friend about AppInstitute, what would you say?

If I were to tell a friend about AppInstitute I would only have good things to say. The whole experience has been a joyful, easy process that has even taught me quite a few things about apps that I had no idea about. It is always stunning to see what our phones can do now but to be at the heart of that process and for it not to be too complicated in the slightest is something that I would tell everyone about.

10. What is your favourite App/Apps?

My favourite app is… Well, that’s a hard one. There are so many out there that it’s difficult to pick just one! Apart from the wired app (of course) I have a favourite from each category… Games, utilities, social media… However, I think if I were to pick just one, it would be an app called ‘cam scanner’. It is quite ingenious, to be honest. All you have to do is take a photo of a document or something similar and it can focus on the writing making it easy to read but not only that, it can recognise the text on a letter and convert it to a PDF! Marvellous!

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Last Updated on June 10, 2020 by

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