Geofencing – What Is Geofencing and How Does It Work?

Geofencing – What Is Geofencing and How Does It Work?

Have you been just about to step foot into your car for your commute home when your phone has buzzed in your pocket with a notification of what the traffic is like and how long your journey is expected to take? This is known as geofencing and is a marketing tactic that an increasing number…
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5 Ways to Boost Customer Journey Optimization from Start to Finish

5 Ways to Boost Customer Journey Optimization from Start to Finish

From the first time a customer hears about your business to the moment they become a client, there is almost a limitless number of variables that dictate their behavior. This period is often referred to as the customer journey and while not everything is in your control, there are steps you can take to boost engagement…
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Picking a Crowdfunding Platform | 5 Essentials to Know

Picking a Crowdfunding Platform | 5 Essentials to Know

People decide to start their own crowdfunding campaigns for a variety of reasons. Nonprofits and individuals looking to fundraise for a specific project or in support of a particular issue have all found great success online. For nonprofit organizations, crowdfunding campaigns have also become a smart way to increase their public visibility. Huge audiences can…
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The Most Important Metrics That Matter For Your SMB App

The Most Important Metrics That Matter For Your SMB App

Did you realize there are over 197 billion app downloads each year? For businesses looking to appeal to modern consumers, having an app is essential. Whether you run a hair salon, restaurant or a dog grooming service, allowing consumers to connect with your business via this type of technology is important. Most service based businesses…
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iPhone Tips: 31 Ways to Make the Most of Your iPhone’s Features Shopping Cart Abandonment | 6 Best Practices to Encourage Completion

Shopping Cart Abandonment | 6 Best Practices to Encourage Completion

If you run your own online store, you already know that a huge variety of elements play important roles in the success of any eCommerce venture. From design to content marketing, lead capture to promotional partnerships, there are tons of moving parts. Let’s say you’ve checked off all the most important boxes as you launch…
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Infographic: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for an Explainer Video Script

Infographic: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for an Explainer Video Script

The way businesses sell their products has changed due to the rapid advancement of technology. As one of the most important invention, Internet plays a major role in changing consumer shopping behaviour. Online marketing became a thing as soon as the first browser was launched to the public in early 1990s. However, online transaction then…
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Marketing Automation: Ideas to Improve Your Strategy

Marketing Automation: Ideas to Improve Your Strategy

This article was originally written in Spanish by Alice Didier, and translated to English for the AppInstitute blog. I’m sure that on more than one occasion you’ve heard of the term marketing automation, right? With the current importance of this technique in mind, this post will give you some marketing automation ideas to improve your…
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The Definitive Guide to Creating a High-converting App Landing Page

The Definitive Guide to Creating a High-converting App Landing Page

Creating an app today is a serious business. You have an opportunity to make your business available to more people and potential customers. With an average smartphone user having an average of 35 apps on their device and using 52% of them weekly, you get a chance to attract more users. However, when you consider…
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The Ultimate Guide to App Store Optimization 2020

The Ultimate Guide to App Store Optimization 2020

The Mobile App Market is one of the leading industries nowadays. Since their very first appearance, mobile apps and smartphones have evolved a lot during the last few years, attracting more and more users day by day. Despite the success of the mobile app market, there is one common issue that mobile publishers face nowadays:…
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