Remember to Recycle – 8 Ways to Repurpose Your Old Content 3 Reasons All Small Businesses Need to Be Blogging in the Modern Marketplace

3 Reasons All Small Businesses Need to Be Blogging in the Modern Marketplace

For most small businesses, the need to attract and retain customers is being hindered by one simple fact: they don’t blog. Blogging in the modern marketplace is a fundamental requirement for success, and if your business or brand isn’t administering a blog, you are selling yourself and your business short. Market statistics on blogging suggest…
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5 Brilliant Content Promotion Hacks That Will Rocket Your Traffic

5 Brilliant Content Promotion Hacks That Will Rocket Your Traffic

I didn’t get it how Matthew Woodward, Neil Patel and Brian Dean can get millions of people to visit their websites on monthly basis. I just couldn’t wrap my mind around that. Then I started testing different content promotion platforms, gaining follower base and traffic started flowing. Now, I know how they do it and…
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Guide to SEO First Aid: Errors to Fix Without a Specialist 5 HUGE Benefits of Blogging for Business

5 HUGE Benefits of Blogging for Business

Most businesses are aware that blog posts are important, but blogging is often treated with an attitude of “I’ll get round to it one day.” The reality, however, is that you are literally putting off profit generation by not getting quality blog content out there. Here we present 5 ways creating a killer blog post…
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The Evolution of Your Website: How to Optimise It and Keep It Working For You

The Evolution of Your Website: How to Optimise It and Keep It Working For You

Websites used to be static things, sitting out on the internet waiting for some someone to find it. That’s no longer the case, though: the front and back-end design of a website has evolved way beyond that—not only is the content much more dynamic, but a website’s relevance (which determines search engine ranking) is, too. Maybe…
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Leverage Local Press To Get Free PR

Leverage Local Press To Get Free PR

When it comes to local marketing, press releases remain an important aspect to get your company, product/service and brand recognised. Take, for example, the success of an independent coffee shop that was featured in a local paper for their extraordinary coffee shop app built with the help of  the owner’s 14-year-old son. Such positive press helped the company…
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