4.2.6 – Apple’s App Store Guideline Changes and What It Means for You
Update: for the latest on Apple’s submission procedures, check out this article on the knowledge base. There’s been an awful lot of talk over the past few months within the app community around the new change to Apple’s App Store guidelines made on 8th June 2017, and specifically, rule 4.2.6 which states that “Apps created…
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Infographic: Progressive Web Apps. The Future of Mobile.
Technology is ever-changing and the way that businesses can market themselves evolves with it. With the exponential growth of smartphone adoption, businesses witnessed an incredible shift in the way that it was possible to market products and services. In brief, smartphones opened up a direct channel to reach consumers, and in just a few years,…
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4 Huge Trends for Progressive Web Apps
The world of mobile communications is ever-changing, sometimes it is so tricky to keep up with the latest developments. Like anything else though, it relies on innovation, and today we’ll be talking about some of the trends that have stemmed from the rise in popularity of a relatively new thing – the progressive web app….
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The Weird World of Link Building
Having a website is a little like being the new kid in school: until you start making friends, you may as well be invisible. And making the right connections is extremely important. Google uses hundreds of “signals” in order to evaluate what pages (or content) to include in search results, and also the order in…
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The Missing “Push” in Your Marketing Strategy?
I know, yet another article on push notifications. There are literally dozens of articles on push notifications, but this article comes with a little bit of a twist – shedding a little bit of the light on possibly, the most powerful way to market your business, but we’ll keep it a secret for a little…
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How to Write a Small Business Marketing Plan
Creating a detailed marketing plan is the essence of any successful marketing campaign. Even if you gathered a team of marketing specialists and professionals and provided them with all the resources and equipment they need, it will not guarantee your marketing success. Rather than relying solely on the arsenal of tools and experienced and knowledgeable…
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A Diet for Mobile Apps: Cutting Data Usage with PWAs
In case you still don’t know what progressive web apps actually are, we recommend giving this post a read. It outlines some of the finer details. But very simply, progressive web apps are an amalgamation of app-like features accessible without installing a native app. It looks like an app, loads like an app, is responsive…
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Information Is Best Served Fast: Increasing Engagement with Web Apps
There are three truths about technology: over time, it becomes smaller, more powerful, and faster. The ways that we shop, read, watch, play and work have all changed to reflect that. Once upon a time, we used to use brochures and magazines to buy new products. We used to read books made from paper. Can…
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What Is a Progressive Web App? a Beginners Guide to PWAs
If you’ll forgive the cliché, when it comes to technology – as with life – the only constant is change. Websites today look very different – and are able to do a whole lot more – than the very first website published in 1990. Similarly, the mobile phones we now use are capable of so…
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Guide to SEO First Aid: Errors to Fix Without a Specialist
SEO really is as complicated as it seems. It is not something you can learn in a few weeks. No different from anything else. However, there are some things you can do without needing to learn everything, but just with the help of an SEO tool. This is just a fraction of what can be…
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