Are Bing Ads Really Worth It?

Are Bing Ads Really Worth It?

When you are considering running a pay-per-click campaign for your business, the first platform that will undoubtedly come to mind is Google Adwords, and as the biggest PPC platform utilising the largest search engine in the world, it’s easy to understand why. However, there are other options available aside from Google, with Bing Ads being…
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Five Tips For Developing Brand Voice

Five Tips For Developing Brand Voice

In the world of marketing, the tone of your company’s brand voice can be a game-changing differentiator. Why do you need a brand voice? For starters, the tone and feel of your brand are how your company communicates to your audience, gives your customers a touchstone to recognize your brand, and ultimately helps determine who…
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How Your Competitors Can Help You to Find  Endless Backlink Opportunities

How Your Competitors Can Help You to Find Endless Backlink Opportunities

Let’s admit it, there is so much buzz around link building these days! Some say that these practices are dying giving way to content marketing and natural links. Some argue that it’s still a core element of SEO. Well, these ideas didn’t arise out of thin air. We’re seeing Google steadily evolving! Its algorithms are…
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Why isn’t my site showing up on Google? Marketing Ideas to Increase Foot Traffic

Marketing Ideas to Increase Foot Traffic

If you run a bricks and mortar store, your ultimate aim is to get people through your front door, enabling you to then provide the personable approach to selling, encouraging them to browse through what you have to offer before making that all-important sale. However, a number of contributing factors in today’s society makes this…
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The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to A/B Testing

The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to A/B Testing

Even if you are a relatively new internet user, you’re bound to have encountered the term A/B testing, or split testing. It’s hard to miss since we’re no longer just split testing websites, but also online ads, and apps – well, just about anything digital. But chances are you didn’t really pay much attention, which…
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Will Artificial Intelligence Replace or Empower Marketers?

Will Artificial Intelligence Replace or Empower Marketers?

Artificial Intelligence. The phrase is thrown around a lot and invokes images of science fiction movies and “tech talk.” Despite the impression of being just the stuff of the future, however, artificial intelligence (AI) is actually very real and becoming more and more a part of our daily lives. AI simply refers to machines taking…
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The Weird World of Link Building

The Weird World of Link Building

Having a website is a little like being the new kid in school: until you start making friends, you may as well be invisible. And making the right connections is extremely important. Google uses hundreds of “signals” in order to evaluate what pages (or content) to include in search results, and also the order in…
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How to Encourage App Users to Review Your App SEO 101: 15 Effective SEO Strategies for Small Businesses

SEO 101: 15 Effective SEO Strategies for Small Businesses

For as long as there have been websites, there have been search engines. In fact, an offline equivalent of the first search engine – Archie – actually debuted before there were even any sites on the web. And, for as long as there have been search engines, there has been SEO. But of all the…
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